May 14, 2024

MHAW 2024: Moving More for our Mental Health

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 is a pivotal event aimed at highlighting the importance of mental wellbeing in our lives. Each year, it serves as a crucial platform to raise awareness, challenge stigma, and promote understanding surrounding mental health issues. The theme for this year, “Movement: Moving more for our mental health,” underscores the profound connection between physical activity and mental wellbeing. It emphasises the significant role that movement plays in enhancing our mood, reducing stress, and improving overall mental health.

Engaging in regular physical activity isn’t just beneficial for our physical health; it also has a profound impact on our mental and emotional wellbeing. Researchers found that, on average, a person has 3.4 poor mental health days per month. But those who exercise, the number of poor mental health days dropped by more than 40 percent. Whether it’s going for a walk in nature, participating in a dance class, or practicing yoga, movement offers a powerful avenue for stress relief, self-expression, and building resilience. One study found that engaging in just 30 minutes of physical activity three times a week, can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. By prioritising movement and embracing an active lifestyle, we not only strengthen our bodies but also nurture our minds, fostering greater wellbeing and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

Where Can You Access Global Support this Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Mental health awareness is crucial, and there are various places globally where you can access support during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024:

United Kingdom (UK) – NHS Mental Health Services:

The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK offers a wide range of mental health support services, including counselling, therapy, and medication management. You can access these services through your GP or by self-referral to local mental health teams.

United States (US) – National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):

NAMI provides advocacy, education, support, and public awareness for individuals and families affected by mental health conditions. They offer support groups, helplines, and resources to help navigate the mental health system.

Canada – Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA):

CMHA provides a variety of mental health services, including crisis intervention, counselling, and peer support. They also offer education and advocacy to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding mental health.

Australia – Beyond Blue:

Beyond Blue is a mental health support organisation in Australia that offers information, resources, and support services for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. They provide online forums, helplines, and counselling services.

India – VISHRAM:

VISHRAM is a mental health helpline in India that offers support and counselling services in multiple languages. It provides a safe space for individuals to discuss their mental health concerns and receive guidance and support.

South Africa – South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG):

SADAG is Africa’s largest mental health support and advocacy group. They offer telephonic counselling, support groups, and educational resources to promote mental wellbeing across South Africa.

New Zealand – Lifeline Aotearoa:

Lifeline Aotearoa provides free, confidential support and counselling services to individuals experiencing mental health crises or emotional distress in New Zealand. They operate a 24/7 helpline and online chat service.

Germany – Deutsche Depressionshilfe:

Deutsche Depressionshilfe offers information, resources, and support for individuals affected by depression in Germany. They provide online self-help tools, helplines, and information on available treatment options.

Brazil – Centro de orização da Vida (CVV):

CVV is a suicide prevention hotline in Brazil that offers emotional support, crisis intervention, and suicide prevention services. They provide trained volunteers who offer confidential listening and support to those in distress.

Japan – TELL (Tokyo English Lifeline):

TELL provides mental health support and counselling services to the international community in Japan. They offer telephone counselling, face-to-face sessions, and online support groups to address a variety of mental health concerns.

These organisations and helplines play a vital role in promoting mental wellbeing and providing support to individuals in need during Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 and throughout the year.

Ways IAMH Can Support Your Organisation for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Here are six ways in which our IAMH Programme can support your organisation this Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 and beyond:

Enhanced Mental Health Awareness and Support

By training international mental health advocates, your organisation can foster a workforce that is well-versed in mental health education, Recongising early signs of mental health issues and providing appropriate support. This proactive approach can help in addressing concerns before they escalate, ensuring a healthier work environment.

Global Consistency in Mental Health Support

Our programme promotes the standardisation of mental health support across all geographical locations, ensuring that all employees, regardless of where they are based, have access to consistent resources and assistance, This consistency helps in maintaining a unified approach to mental wellbeing across your global teams.

Cultural Competency and Sensitivity

The programme includes training on cultural variations in mental health, which equips your employees with the knowledge to understand and respect cultural differences. This cultural competency is crucial in a global organisation, helping to create an inclusive environment where all employees feel understood and supported.

Crisis Management and Early Intervention

IAMH training covers practical crisis first aid, including handling suicide, self-harm, and other crisis situations. This training ensures that your organisation has a prepared and competent team ready to manage mental health crises effectively, providing early intervention that can save lives and minimise disruption.

Promotion of Positive Culture Change

By emphasising self-support, self-care, and coping strategies, the programme helps in building a resilient workforce. Advocates trained through IAMH can lead initiatives that promote a positive shift in organisational culture, encouraging open conversations about mental health and reducing stigma.

Support for Virtual Work Settings

With a focus on virtual work settings, our programme ensures that your organisation is equipped to offer mental health support in remote and hybrid work environments This is increasingly important in a connected world where remote work is becoming the norm, ensuring that all employees receive the support they need no matter where they are working from.

By integrating our IAMH Programme into your organisation, you can significantly enhance the mental wellbeing of your employees, creating a supportive, inclusive, and thriving workplace.