Mental Health Awareness for Managers



Research has shown that 69% of employees believe that their manager has more of an impact on their mental health than their doctor or therapist. This underscores the critical role that managers play in shaping the mental wellbeing of their teams and highlights the importance of mental health training and awareness for those in management positions. Workplace dynamics are significantly shaped by managerial practices, and the approach that managers take towards mental health can directly affect the overall atmosphere and productivity of a team. Such effective management not only drives performance but also creates an environment where employees feel supported and valued. 

The pressures of deadlines, workload, and interpersonal conflicts can often contribute to stress and anxiety, highlighting the importance of effective management in mitigating these challenges. When managers actively engage in mental health conversations and demonstrate a genuine concern for their team’s wellbeing, they contribute to a positive workplace culture where their people can thrive. 

Our mental health awareness course empowers managers with the skills and confidence to engage in meaningful mental health conversations with their team. By integrating these practices into daily management, leaders can support the wellbeing of their teams and contribute to a more productive and mentally healthy working environment.

Managers will learn how to: 

  • Recognise when an employee might be facing mental health challenges.
  • Feel confident in initiating open discussions about mental health with their team.
  • Effectively direct employees to available support resources and understand where to seek assistance for themselves within the organisation.
  • Demonstrate strong self-care habits, encouraging their teams to prioritise their own mental health and wellbeing.

Course Information

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At IAMH, our ethos centres on making a difference in the world. That’s why for every training programme booked, we pledge to donate a percentage of the proceeds to the UN Global Emergency Fund. This fund provides critical support to those affected by humanitarian crises around the world, ensuring rapid response and relief where it’s needed most. By partnering with us, you’re not only investing in yourself but also in building a more resilient world for all. Together, let’s make a difference.

Frequently Asked Questions

This course is suitable for all levels of management. 

Our Mental Health Awareness Course for managers is available to be delivered in any language and in any country. Simply add the required location and language in our easy-to-use booking form, and a member of the team will be in touch.

  • Managers will be trained by an IAMH instructor member, covering 4 hours of content in total.
  • They will receive takeaway resources to support their learning. 
  • On completion of the course they will receive a digital IAMH certificate.

The IAMH course costs £149+VAT per head as standard for courses with between 8-25 learners or for public courses. 

The IAMH programme is a 4-hour course, which can either be delivered in-person or online via MS Teams or Zoom.

We limit numbers to 25 people per IAMH course so that instructors can keep people safe and supported. We also have a minimum number of 8 people to allow for an interactive learning space but we pride ourselves on being flexible. 

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